jeudi 10 janvier 2008

Day 1

Invited talk by Jim Kasting
C - Si cycle
GJ581 Habitability analysis (Selsis et al. 07)
c -- not habitable
d -- probably an ice giant and not habitable

M dwarf IMF: power law index is uncertain within a factor of 2. simple extrapolation of Salpeter doesn't work.
> Million M-dwarfs surveyed by SDSS and 2MASS
- IMF peaked around M3-4. index ~ +0.69

K-giant masses hard to constrain from isochrone analysis. Use stellar oscillations to constrain and confirm the mass.
Measurement of Pollux: agrees with Allende-Prieto and Girardi.

Around the spectral type M4 the interior becomes fully convective.…
Some M-dwarfs are active: flaring / quiescent
Age - activity analysis (Hanley et al. 1999, 2000)
M dwarfs are ideal tracers of MW thin disk -- they are not too dim nor bright.
Activity - ∆z relation: older stars have had more orbits, thus more likely to be off the plane.
metallicity - ∆z relation also found.

NGC6971: Some WDs have He cores instead of Ca. Hypothesis: they left the giant branch early due to planet-swalloing, had their envelopes ejected by the planets. ~80% of the WDs should've undergone planet-swalloing events.

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