jeudi 10 janvier 2008

Day 3

Kalas Extrasolar Kuiper Belts
Various morphologies of debris disks
Fomalhaut -- narrow belt, one of the oldest debris disk
Center of the ring is off the primary star by 15 AU. There seems to exist a planet interior to the ring, that is also shaping the very sharp inner edge of the ring.
Vega -- Spitzer detected warm emissions to a few 100s AU
ß -- Thin second disk detected

Lubow Hydro simulation of disks, fast Type III migration w/ D'Angelo
Numerical simulations generally agree with the analytical Type I/II migration rates.
A few exceptions: For highly eccentric planets (e>0.1), migration rates can be slowed down or the migration can be even reversed, due to the slow motion near the apastron. Also, if the planet is suddenly (and artificially) immersed in the disk, i.e., if the planet is substantially large and the gap hasn't opened yet, then the aerodynamical drag causes fast Type III migration.

Quoting Ribas & Miralda-Escudé: mass distribution of exoplanets -- large pile-up on Jupiter mass and Neptune mass, but there's a gap in between. Predictable from core accretion scenario?
m > 4Mj Formed by disk-instability? Reasons: (1) average metallicity is lower for massive planets, not necessitating solid materials for core accretion? (2) e-distribution of massive planets resemble that of stellar binary e-distributions (this reasoning seems weak, ignoring all the dynamics, e.g., MMR, secular perturbations, etc.)
Absence of massive close-in planets

Tiscareno Saturn's ring
Lindblad resoance by moonlets cause the spiral wave structure (similar to spiral galaxies, but much more tightly wound).
Observation of density waves --> derive the ring properties (surface density, viscosity, vertical thickness, etc.)
The small ~100m size moonlets create wavy gap edges (e.g., in the Keeler Gap) and also the propeller patterns. The self-gravitiy wakes produce inhomogeneous opacity of the ring.

NICMOS2 coronagraph imaging of debris disks
Observed the diversity of scattered light

Invited Talk: Sandra Faber Emerging Principle of Galaxy Formation
Galaxy main sequence
Gravity and star formation are still challenging problems.
Cosmology & dark matter are the gravity backbone and quite well understood.

Starformation band for M_halo = 10^10 - 10^12
Two models for the crigtical halo mass: Galactic merger --> BH grows --> AGN feedback drives out the gas

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