jeudi 22 mai 2008

"Transiting Planets" Day 4


Little Na absorption was observed for HD209458 spectra.
Planetary albedo is < 0.25, very reflective cloud model has been ruled out.

There's no fundamental difference between the structures of a planet and a brown dwarf (?).
The TLUSTY code -- applicable to 50~100 K to 10,000 K. Cloud formation (Cooper et al. 2002) is included.
There are five classes of giant plaents (Sudarsky et al. 2003)

HD209458b.....temperature inversion observed (also XO-1 b, TrES-2 b)
HD189733b......NO temperature inversion observed

TrES-4 receives high incident flux (Teq = 1,760K), and temperature inversion was also observed.

Do super Earths retain atmospheric hydrogen?
There's temperature inversion in the Earth's stratosphere due to ozone.

GJ 581 c
5.02 Mearth, 13-day orbit, e=0.16, Teq = 370K, R = 1.6Rearth.

Due to a simple thermal-escape argument, atmospheric H should be retained due to the large surface gravity.

Scale-height model (observable from transit depth)
Absorption is deeper by 20% for H-rich planetary atmosphere than H-poor. ~20 hr / 6 transits JWST observations are needed for 100ppm detection.

Dynamics & Radiation in planetary atmosphere
Full Navier-Stokes Equation (3D), involving continuity equation, 3D momentum and thermal energy

Flux-limited model. The code is accurate in both optically thin and thick regimes.
Freedman opacity is adopted. Velocity structure would be quite different if another opacity is used (e.g., if, lower interstellar opacity is used, coriolis wind will be stronger).

Does it explain the observed temperature inversion of HD209438-b-like planets? There expected to be in fact second temperature inversion closer to the planetary surface.

Temperature inversion, and large day side/night side temperature difference may be predicted from opacity (IR / optical) and pL / pM.

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