mardi 20 mai 2008

"Transiting Planets" Day 2


Euler Swiss Telescope (Transit follow-up)

One system with a transiting planet with a binary companion at 2.6 AU
with 0.25 Msun?


Circumbinary planet? (not yet confirmed)

A. Howard

Keck eta-Earth Project Surveying 1,330 F-M stars

GJ 317, 581, 876, 674, 849, 436, 176

GJ 176 (2008)
10-day, 28Mearth (Endl, HET)
NOTHING seen at 10-day orbit from Keck

GJ 436 b
Linear residual trend is going away? (Not seen in the latest Keck data)
Residuals in the periodogram indicates presence of 3-20 Mearth planet

GJ 317 b (JohnJohn)
1.2 Mj, ~2-yr orbit
Residual 12.6 m/s --- planet c at P > 7-yr?

Hot Neptune and super Earth

HARPS rad-vel searches: ~400 non-active, slowly-rotating FGK dwarfs (since 2004)
Focus on smaller sample of stars, but with high-cadence observations

Mu Aracni: 9.6-day hot Neptune
HD69830: With the latest data, orbital parameters remained unchanged

45 candidates with < 30 Mearth, < 50-day
- 4-day e=0 22.8 Mearth
- 2.34-day, e= 0-0.2, 5.8 Mearth
- 3.8-day, 4 Mearth
- 25.6-day, 30 Mearth
- 7.44-day, e=0.65, 10 Mearth
- 46-day, e=0.23, 20 Mearth
- 40-day, e=0.5, 10 Mearth
- triple-super-Earth system
80% of the candidates seem to be members of multiple planets

Hot Neptune / Super Earth
- 10-day peak---is the orbital migration for smaller planets different?
The peak for hot Jupiters is 3 days.
- Large orbital eccentricity seems common.
- Planet occurrence is high --- ~ 30%
- They already made it to the top-priority space-based transit target list


HARPS-N Synergy w/ Kepler
10 cm/s precision
Calibration is improved compared to HARPS (~1/2 of the HARPS uncertainty was attributed to the reference)

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